Thursday, May 29, 2008

28th May 2008, Matanda, Natenje & Njewa

Wednesday began with a fracas as always. We have come to accepts this. The vehicle we were using only came at 9am (which is the time we were meant to be in Matanda). When we arrived we discovered that we had forgotten our file where the notes were. Felix had copies of the notes in a separate file but the very one we wanted (the body of Christ – the church) was not in there. Aha, this can only be the work of the devil… as if. I stopped and took a few minutes to ask the Father… what is up?!! Well, He is up and it was all His orchestrating events to bring us to talk about what He wanted, which was the birth of the church and Adam and Eve.

It was interesting to discover how men believe that because Adam (the original seed) was created and Eve pulled out of Adam(humanity), then it meant that they were original and women secondary. We talked about that a little and had a wonderful time discussing and opening up scripture and really dissecting the word! it is also incredible to watch mindsets change right before your very eyes! This group is wonderful, possibly the most active group yet. They love to challenge me and I love the challenge. It is, in the truest sense, a bible study.

In the afternoon we headed for Natenje. One thing about Wednesdays is that it is my dehydration day. No fluid intakes as that would require bathroom breaks and they are one of the few things I do not like to do in the communities. Thus, parched we headed to Natenje. This was a new group. For about 4 weeks we were receiving twice weekly phone calls pleading with us to come and teach this group. They were a group of chiefs and their spouses. They are 80 chief strong. It is incredible to know that that many chiefs in the area are saved and not only that; they go about teaching their fellow chiefs and their people the word of God.

Coming out the car we found them all waiting even though we were 30 minutes early. I was VERY conscious of my jeans and flowery shirt. These were chiefs! What would they think of me? I scurried into the dim room (aha, perhaps the Lord was on my side). As soon as we begun of course, all consciousness of clothes or anything leaves and God steps in. we spoke about salvation and eternal life and what it means. Our emphasis was on the relationship that Christ gave His life for us to attain. We had a sidebar of 'Jesus is not just the son of God but that He is God'.

This was a mature group who were so eager to learn and I felt very small. Here I was, probably looked like some westernized youngster (probably am) and I was teaching them…. Imagine what I could learn from them! Nevertheless, it is I that God says “go teach my people”. I tell you, these are the moments that help, the smaller you feel… the bigger God is in your mind.

On the side of the youth, 16 of them in Njewa got saved out of a turnout of 47. Felix’s prairie fire continues to sweep across the communities. And as always let me tell you about the lack of bibles. Out of the 47… you guessed it… NOT ONE owned a bible. Not one in 47 youth who want to know more about God. When Diamond said it, I was overwhelmed. His was the only bible there as I had taken the on staff bibles to Natenje.

More than anything we are expectant of Ganizani (meaning ‘think') and his arrival tomorrow. I just know that this is a God thing! It is amazing to think that in a few months he will be able to read the bible for himself and then who knows what will happen then!!

1 comment:

Pocket Prayers said...

Praise God for the progress of the good news and the pursuit of people to learn, especially the leaders and the youth. The culture is positioned to change!